Welcome to Team AlligatorΣ developed by the Simis team at Kuju Entertainment Ltd and published under exclusive license by GT Interactive Software Corp.
Team AlligatorΣ ⌐1999 Simis Limited. All Rights Reserved. Published and Distributed by GT Interactive Software Corp. GTΣ and the GT Games LogoΣ are trademarks and the GT logo is a registered trademark of GT Interactive Software Corp. Windows« is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Uses Bink Technology. Copyright ⌐1994-1997 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. The 3Dfx logo is a trademark of 3Dfx Interactive, Inc.All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies.
Team AlligatorΣ has been developed using the 3D engine "Daedalus" which features full support for all accelerator cards through Direct3D including but not limited to (all these cards have been tested): 3DFX, 3DLabs, ATI, Cirrus, Matrox, MPact, #9 Ticket to Ride, NVidia, Oak, PowerVR, Rendition, S3, SIS, Trident.
Features include: Animated sky and seascapes, Dynamic lighting, Flare FX, Fog, Translucency etc...
If you experience any difficulties running Team AlligatorΣ on any of these accelerator cards please check the 'readme' document on Team AlligatorΣ CD for known problems or click on the company logo above to link directly with the corresponding website.
If you experience problems playing Team AlligatorΣ please contact GT Interactive Software for Technical Support
Check out the Simis website: www.simis.co.uk for all the latest information on Simis products